Spring Presentation 2

This week, we gave our presentation 2 for the Spring semester. This presentation served mostly as an update to our design changes. We were intending to have started production of our parts by the time of the presentation. This did not happen do to a breakdown of the water jet cutter at Makers' Space. As of the time of writing, the water jet cutter will be repaired by 4/16/2019. This will allow us to cut our parts with only a slight delay to our original plans. The presentation is embedded below.

Most of the changes made to the designs were either refining for maneuverability (resizing holes to inches rather than metric, for example). Other than these, there were some dimensions which had finally been provided to us from other teams to mount their systems to the bogies. As general updates, the motor team has found that their motors can move in reverse, meaning there will be more space on the slave bogie for other teams' components.


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